The ZenVR™ research study results are out!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and there's no better time than to announce the results of the Georgia Tech master's research study on the ZenVR™ Learning System, which was OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED in a conference two weeks ago:
"We found statistically significant improvements in mindfulness and self-reported meditation ability (pictured below are the 3 mental health metrics measured before and after participants went through the study). Their insights from a self-managed practice, two weeks after the study ended, offered opportunities to understand how technology can be designed to offer progressive support without creating dependence in technology-mediated meditation practice."

To learn how ZenVR™ impacted users’ perception of their meditation ability, my team and I collected three subjective measures after each lesson asking users to rate their ability to meditate during the lesson, their overall ability to meditate, and their confidence in meditating on their own. There were significant increases in all three ratings between the first and the final lesson (pictured below), further illustrating the effectiveness of ZenVR™'s learning system for teaching meditation.

I'm happy to share that I, creator and founder of ZenVR™, presented the paper results in conjunction with the official publishing of the paper two weeks ago at the 2022 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) in New Orleans!
ZenVR: Design Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Learning System for Meditation

Our journey is still in the early stages as we continue to develop ZenVR not just for fellow VR enthusiasts, but B2B and enterprise offerings for corporate wellness, treatment centers, and even more academic research!

None of this would be possible without the support of the community at Georgia Tech that helped create and facilitate the master's research study AND our growing team of Georgia Tech grads and student interns working on many exciting developments this Summer. 🙌

Whether you own the Meta Quest, Oculus Rift and/or SteamVR headsets (Valve Index and HTC Vive), you can now bring this research-backed meditation classroom experience right to you!
As a thank you for purchasing now, we're offering ZenVR™ 20% off. Receive 6 30-min lessons in LEARN mode plus access to the newly revamped PRACTICE mode to build personalized sessions designed to supplement Kai's curriculum. You will receive Lessons 7-8 as free updates this summer 2022.
Welcome Aboard and Happy Meditating!
Matt Golino
Founder of ZenVR™
